We have a significant population of students in our high schools who are at-risk of failing or not graduating due to homelessness, impoverishment, poor support systems, failed classes in previous years, poor attendance, incarcerated parents, single-parent homes, peer pressure, poor judgment and more.
Even students with loving parents and guardians can sometimes get off track. Mentors Care partners with those parents and school administrators to match “at-risk” students with caring mentors to help get them back onto a healthy course. Students without positive adult role models are at real risk of not graduating and often face more difficult futures.
Our mentors assure young people that someone cares for them; that they are not alone in dealing with life’s day-to-day challenges. Mentors help students know they truly matter.
Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and their future. Ultimately, mentoring helps propel at-risk students to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity that they might otherwise never realize. Yet only one in three at risk students will ever be offered the opportunity to have a mentor.