Bikes for Mission Arlington started ten years ago with just two dads and their kids. They bought some bikes and took them to Mission Arlington's Christmas Store. Once there, they realized the huge need that Mission Arlington has for children's bikes. As you may know, Mission Arlington opens a Christmas store each year so thousands of families can "shop" for gifts at NO CHARGE. Bicycles are some of the most-needed items. They never have enough, nor could they ever have too many. The children who receive these bikes might not receive anything else this Christmas.
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Bikes for Mission Arlington is a wonderful opportunity to talk to your kids about the needs of struggling families in our community and ultimately the responsibility of people of faith. Bikes for Mission Arlington is an opportunity to teach your children to put “faith into works.”
Over the years, more families have been invited to take part in this effort to help those in need while teaching our children that God spreads His blessings in the world by using ordinary people. Faith must be accompanied by action – and God wants us to take action.
You can make a difference!